Leadership Award
An amazing opportunity to develop a range of valuable skills on how to become a leader and successful sports coach. Learn how to plan and deliver sport sessions, while giving back to your community. Successful completion of the leadership worksheets will result is an accredited certificate being awarded.
Over 20 hours learners will gain the knowledge and skills to assist in leading basic sports/activities under direct supervision.
The transferable skills can be used to help young people better engage socially and within education by developing confidence and skills such as organisation and communication.
I Can Lead uses sport and physical activity to help learners develop key leadership skills and increase academic performance. The award focuses on personal development and not just sporting ability.
It boosts academic performance and helps learners become more community-minded through volunteering opportunities and culminates in an award that will be recognised on your students' CVs.
Topics covered includes:
· Developing leadership skills
· Organisation for leading sport/activity sessions
· Health and Fitness
· Fair play in sport
· The role of the official
· Opportunities in sport and recreation
A packed lunch, notebook and pen must be provided.
Ages from 13-17 years
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Cost: £30
Markfield Park
BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW! Spaces are limited
For more information:
Call: 07903107217 / 07947530498
Email: holidaycamps@hrsportsacademy.co.uk